Neurofeedback is the reward of specific brain activity to
reduce symptoms and improve function.
Brain activity (EEG) is monitored by powerful computers and analyzed in real-time. As the data comes in, a program adjusts the brightness of a television screen higher to reward, or lower depending on the brain activity desired. The process is unconscious, making it effective for patients of all ages.
Gray Matters uses the most advanced form of neurofeedback available, SW LORETA neurofeedback, to reward improvements in highly targeted brain areas and functional networks - for better results in fewer sessions For residents of Easton, CT.
Creating an individualized neurofeedback protocol is complex, but for residents of Easton, CT, the patient’s role is simple. The patient watches a movie with the screen brightness and sound directly linked to their brain activity, in real-time. Desired brain activity is rewarded by a brighter, louder movie, while less desired brain activity dims and quiets it. The brain learns this connection quickly, allowing it to be guided towards better function. As the process is repeated, the learning becomes stronger and the changes more permanent.