Anxiety - Henry
CASE STUDY / Anxiety
At 10 years old, Henry was typical of the children we see whose anxiety was misdiagnosed as ADHD. His parents received numerous calls and emails from his teachers, saying that Henry seemed unable to sit still and pay attention in the classroom. While other children sat quietly and listened, Henry would get up, move around and generally disrupt the class. He also seemed to be struggling socially. Worried for Henry (as well as the classroom as a whole), Henry’s teachers, suggested that his parents see their pediatrician.
Henry’s parents took him to their pediatrician and then had him privately tested by an experienced neuropsychologist. Based on this testing, Henry was diagnosed with ADHD and prescribed stimulant medication by his doctor.
Henry’s parents took him to their pediatrician and then had him privately tested by an experienced neuropsychologist. Based on this testing, Henry was diagnosed with ADHD and prescribed stimulant medication by his doctor.
Over the following months, Henry was prescribed numerous ADHD medications, all of which made him feel bad and gave him significant side-effects. The conclusion was that Henry had a “paradoxical reaction to stimulant medication.
Henry was assessed by Gray Matters in February 2022. His qEEG showed an anxious, over-aroused brain, not an under-aroused, ADHD brain. (There was no paradox – he was simply misdiagnosed.)